App development in progress
Website & App Development
Explore our range of web and application design and development services and find out how we can help for your next software project.
Development Services
Cost Effective and Scalable Website and Application Development
Specialists in modern responsive website design, software management, implementation, and application design and development.
Bespoke Web and Native Application Development
Custom Assets and Media Curation
Encompassing the Complete Software Lifecycle - Development to Production and Management.
Built for scalability
Systems & Software Management
Software Development for All Applications
Secure and reliable hosted and managed applications to serve a variety of purposes - from simple to complex.
Cost Reduction
If your business is currently paying extortionate fees for software; it may be more cost effective to build your own application. This way, features improvements, and working styles can be controlled more effectively.
Business Opportunity
Have you seen a gap in the SaaS market? If so, we would like to be involved! If it's creating a MVP, designing UIs, or managing the entire development and production lifecycle, we can help.
If you have an area of business operations that you believe could be improved by an application, or a dashboard for your staff or clients; get in touch. Microsoft Power Applications are a cost effective, reliable, and integrated way of creating in-house apps.
Properly represent your business online with a modern, completely unique website benefiting from inclusive SEO, high speed hosting, CMS management, and various integrations.
Entirely bespoke design
Responsive and modern components valid for all browser types and most ages.
Built to be search engine friendly, with advanced SEO and second-to-none hosting.
CMS, user dashboard, payment gateway, and management integrations available.
Transparent and competitive pricing.
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Benefit from a bespoke application for your business as either a means to improve efficiency, or to market a new product or idea. We will facilitate and support your software decisions ensuring you're benefiting from the most appropriate feature set and cost.
Business development research options to determine the best route to market.
Full stack development pipeline for any platform including CI/CD workflows.
Applications built for speed, durability, and security for a range of applications.
Continuous server management, patches, updates and much more.
Range of financing options available.
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Custom Development Pipelines
Working with Avellite is a unique experience from the beginning. Every process is different; however, a website or application enquiry typically takes the following format.
We receive your enquiry and we'll usually reach out within 3 hours of receipt to find out more information and arrange an introductory call, either via phone or Teams.
Goal Establishment
We'll ask a series of questions to establish what your goals are, how we can best serve your requirements, and what the best development platform may be.
We begin work on designing elements, conducting further research into the industry, data planning, refining our development pipeline, and ensuring we have a water-tight plan of action.
Development begins, with weekly check ins and full updates on progress along the way. We work closely with our client's to ensure no deviation from their requirements is seen.
The software or website is ready to be tested (alpha/beta), we attach it to the relevant hosting provider and arrange a time to sit down and correct areas that may require improvement.
Once all is approved, we will configure the website or app for the world-wide-web.
We are always available to support our clients after production, either as a part of Warranty, feature improvements or updates via subscription retainer, or hourly contracting.
Our Promise
What to expect from Avellite Digital Solutions.
Creating a good looking platform is never enough, we ensure all of our solutions are fit for purpose from the beginning, protecting you and your assets at all times.
We adhere to strict confidentiality rules, and are always happy to sign NDAs to legally secure your internal processes.
Cost Effecitve
We always prioritise our clients requirements and intentions and will never try to sell an inflated solution. We may recommend you to a different provider, or suggest an alternate method to reduce cost.
Fast & Secure
Our solutions are created with security and speed in mind. Using TLS encryption, industry standards for data storage, and correct validation and sanitisation protocols to ensure data is secure at all times.
Our Work
We're already well established with our wide range of clientele.
Clear Accountants
After a recent Rackspace intrusion, the client was left without an email system. We were asked to fully revamp, modernise and add advanced security to ensure email access was always available.
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Fuchsia Events
Our client approached us to fix issues relating to licencing, clunky mailbox configurations, and inefficiency regarding account access.
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